On Earth Day, April 22, 2018, Meeru Island Resort & Spa in collaboration with the Meeru Green Club hosted a successful Nature Walk around the Island, and an eye-opening Back-of-House Tour of the Resort operations.
The Nature Walk offered insights into the beautiful, unspoiled natural environment, the various trees, vegetation and plants that are home to the Island. Guests were treated to important information and a look at Meeru’s Greenhouse, where organic produce is grown by harnessing the natural Maldivian sun.
Following the informative Nature Walk, guests were guided on an eye-opening tour of the Resort operations and the daily efforts made to contribute to environmental sustainability. The Back-of-House Tour includes an inside look at the Fresh Water Plant and information on how Meeru uses reverse osmosis to produce its own fresh water, as well as the use of recyclable glass water bottles in a separate plant.
Guests can join the Nature Walk and Garden Tours from 0930 every Sunday by signing up at the Main Reception.
In celebrating Earth Day and various green initiatives with educational activities about our environment, Meeru aims to inspire the fundamental changes in human attitude and behavior about sustainability.
The Meeru Green Club is a newly established initiative that aims to further the Resorts’ commitment towards environmental sustainability, through awareness, outreach an engagement in the green activities held on the Island.
To stay up-to-date with our initiatives, follow Meeru Green Club on Instagram and join the Facebook Group.
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