Neelakanta Pillai Shaji Kumar is a Luggage Coordinator in the Front Office Department who has been with Meeru for 21 years. Shaji had a chat with us regarding his job and interests. Read on.
What do you like most about your job?
I like being able to serve the guests, bringing in luggage that contains important holiday essentials for their most awaited vacation.
What are your hobbies?
I enjoy playing games at Ekuveni (staff recreational facility) such as carom and billiards. I also love watching cricket matches, but most of the time, you will find me watching Hindi movies.
What do you like most about the resort?
I love that the resort has provided great staff facilities and modern amenities such as the coffee machine to make us comfortable. I also love our guests who make it possible for us to be here.
What do you love to do during your free time?
Meeru is just a speedboat transfer away from Male’ so I love travelling to the city to meet friends for dinner or coffee once in a while.
What is the secret to being a good luggage coordinator?
I believe the secret to working well is hard work, honesty and dedication to the job.